Thursday, July 23, 2015

Jinzhou Travel Guide

Chinese Name: 锦州市 (jǐn zhōu shì)
Population: 3,071,000
Area: 10,300 square kilometers (3,977square miles) 
Nationalities: Han 
Administrative Division: 3 districts (Taihe, Guta, Linghe); 2 counties (Heishan, Yixian); 2 county-level cities (Linghai, Beizhen) 
Seat of the City Government: 68, Shifu Lu, Taihe District 
Useful Telephone Numbers: Tourist Complaints: 0416-3872060 
Weather Forecast: 121
Zip Code Inquiry: 184
Bank of China Jinzhou Branch: 25, fifth section of Jiefang Lu, Linghe District
China Post Jinzhou Branch: 4, fourth section of Yan'an Lu, Linghe District

Location: Located in the southwest of Liaoning Province, Jinzhou City neighbors Shenyang in the east and Huludao in the west. It reclines along the Songling Mountains in the north and is facing the Liaodong Bay of the Bohai Sea in the south. 

History: During the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476BC) and Warring Stated Period (476BC-221BC), this area belonged to the Yan Kingdom. In the Qin (221BC-206BC) and Han (206BC-220AD) dynasties, it was included in the shires, or tributaries, in present Liaoning. The name of Jinzhou was initiated in the Liao Dynasty (916-1125). 

Physical Features: The terrain here is inclined from the northwest to the southeast. In the northwest and northeast of the city stand the Songling Mountains and Yiwulu Mountains. Southward to the coastal plain area, the average altitude drops to 20 meters (66 feet) or, even lower. 

Climate: The area enjoys a temperate, monsoon climate at middle latitudes. Differences in temperature vary greatly during the whole year. It has distinct four seasons with an average temperature of around 8-9 degrees centigrade (46.4-48.2 degrees Fahrenheit)

When to Go: Considering the weather, April to October is the golden season for a visit, while to see the fascinating snowscape and folk festivals, January to February is the best period for traveling. 

Special Local Products: dried bean curd, smoked chicken, Lingchuan White Wine, sea food of Bohai Bay

Local Highlights: Every year, many Buddhist along with unique folk activities will be held in the North Putuo Mountain (a sacred Buddhist mountain connected with the South Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang), attracting numerous travelers and pilgrims from near and far. 


Wenya Museum (文雅博物馆; Wényǎbówùguǎn). Set up by the amateur collector Du Wenya, this museum houses an impressive collection of fossils found in the local region, some fossils having been found nowhere else. 

Bijia Mountain (笔架山; Bǐjiàshān), (30 min S of Jinzhou). Connects to the mainland via an isthmus at low tide and is more of a big hill than a mountain. There are numerous small Buddha temples on the hill and vendors selling various souvenirs and snacks. Is well worth the trip. If you have the time, take a boat out to the hill, walk around for several hours visiting the temples, and then walk on the land bridge back to shore when low tide comes. 

Guta Park (古塔公园; Gǔtǎgōngyuán). A quiet park in the south eastern part of the city featuring the Guangji Pagoda. The 72 m (236 ft) tower is a beautiful Liao style pagoda, with thirteen levels in an octagonal shape. 

For more information, please visit

Liaoyang Travel Guide

Chinese Name: 辽阳市 (liáo yáng shì)
Population: 1,810,000 
Area: 4,741 square kilometers (1,831 square miles) 
Nationalities: Han 
Administrative Divisions: Five districts (Baita, Wensheng, Hongwei, Gongchangling, Taizihe); one county (Liaoyang); one county-level city (Dengta) 
Seat of the City Government: 38, Minzhu Lu, Baita District
Useful Telephone Numbers: Tourist Complaints: 0419-2127132
Weather Forecast: 121
Zip Code Inquiry: 184

Location: Situated in the centre of Liaoning Province, Liaoyang city is bordered by the 'steel capital', Anshan, in the south and 'the city of coal and iron', Benxi, in the east. Shenyang, the capital city of the province, is just 60 kilometers (37 miles) away in the north. 

History: Liaoyang is the oldest city of Liaoning Province, with an administrative history of more than two thousand years. It was first known as Xiangping, and had been a leading city in eastern Liaoning during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24AD). The name, Liaoyang, initially appeared in the late Tang Dynasty (618-907).         

Physical Features: Located between the low mountainous region of eastern Liaoning and the Liaohe Plain, the city slopes downward from the southeast to the northwest. Low mountains and hills are distributed mainly in the east of the city.

Climate: Most of the city is situated in the temperate monsoon climatic zone, with its western region enjoying a warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate. With a coastal influence, Liaoyang has four distinct seasons, and comparatively humid and moderate weather. Spring is warm and dry, and summer is torrid and rainy. After the cool and humid autumn, comes the long and chilly winter. 

When to Go: spring and autumn

Special Local Products: Nanguo Pear, Xiangshui Pear, hawthorn, Chinese gooseberry, wild grape


White Pagoda Park (白塔公园; Báitǎgōngyuán), 60 Zhonghua Road (中华大街一段60号; Zhōnghuádàjiēyīduàn) (From the train station take bus 7), ☎ +86 419 2126429. This is the tallest, at 70.4 metres, ancient pagoda in the Northeast of China. It dates to the Liao Dynasty and is one of the 6 oldest pagoda towers in China. The park was constructed around the pagoda in 1908. Free.

Guangyou Temple Scenic Area (广佑寺风景区; Guǎngyòusìfēngjǐngqū). Constructed during the Eastern Han Dynasty, this is one of the oldest Buddhist sites in China. In the year 1161, the site received favour of the Emperor and was expanded. In the early 1900's, the army of the old Tsarist Russia burned the site. It has since been restored. This temple complex covers some 60,000 square metres. Within lies a large statue of Sakyamuni Buddha made of camphor wood and gilded with gold. It is the largest, by volume, statue of Sakyamuni Buddha in camphor wood in the world and stands some 21.48 meters high. Free.

Longfeng Mountain Scenic Spot and Temple (龙峰寺风景区; Lóngfēngsìfēngjǐngqū), Xiadahe Town (About about 35 kilometers form Liaoyang City centre). Longfeng temple dates to the time of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Zhenguan, over 1,300 years ago. It was renovated during the Ming and Qing dynasties. According to inscriptions in the temple, Tang Emperor Taizong visited the site as did the Emperor Qianlong of Qing in the 44th year of his rule. The temple was damaged during the Cultural Revolution of the 20th century. It has since been restored. 

Liaoyang City Museum (辽阳市博物馆; Liáoyángshì Bówùguǎn), 2 Zongxin Road, Wensheng District (文圣区中心路2号; Wénshèngqū Zhōngxīnlù) (Form the train station take bus 23 or 16), ☎ +86 419 3232297, +86 1330 4198145. This museum opend in 1985 and in 2002 was graded as a AA class site by the Provincial Tourism Bureau. The museum covers 31,450 square meters over five galleries and contains 4,000 items form the neolithic through to Ming and Qing dynasties. This site is closed for renovation until at least October 2008. The new Lioayang City Museum is located adjacent to the old museum and was opened in 2009. 

Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall (曹雪芹纪念馆; Cáoxuěqín Jìniànguǎn), 2 Woshi Hutong (卧狮胡同2号; Wòshīhútòng) (Take bus 20. It is just 100 metres from the Wang Erlie Memorial Hall), ☎ +86 419 2138074. "The Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the four most famous novels of China. It was written by Cao Xueqin. Over the years, there has been much debate as to where Cao Xueqin was born. Liaoyang has been put forward as the likely location. In 1995, a Memorial to Cao Xueqin was opened in Liaoyang. Free.

Wang Erlie Memorial Hall (王尔烈纪念馆; Wángěrlièjìniànguǎn), Baita District (Take bus 20. It is just 100 metres from the Cao Xue Memorial Hall). Wang Erlie was a court official born in Liaoyang during the rein of the Emperor Qianlong. He achieved excelent scores in his Imperial exams and subsequently had a career that saw him become one of the richest and most powerful people in China. The museum tells the story of his life and has some English language translations. Free.

Dongjing City (东京城; Dōngjīngchéng), Taizihe District (太子河区; Tàizǐhéqū). Liaoyang became the capital city of the Manchurian Late Jin Empire in 1621. An imperial palace was built here called Dongjing or "East Capital" and covers and area of 0.75 square kilometres. A few walls and gates remain of the old palace.

Dongjing Mausoleum (东京陵; Dōngjīnglíng), Taizihe District (太子河区; Tàizǐhéqū). Build by the first Manchurian Emperor, Nurhachu, in 1624, to house the remains of his grandfather, wife, brother, son and others. In total ten people of Nurhachu's family were placed here. edit

Guanyin Temple (观音寺; Guānyīnsì). 

Qingfeng Temple (清风寺; Qīngfēngsì). 

Yanzhou Town (燕州城; Yānzhōuchéng). 

Li Zhaolin House (李兆麟故居; Lǐzhàolíngùjū). 

Liaoyang Forest of Steles (辽阳碑林; Liáoyángbēilín). 

Gusao Town (姑嫂城; Gūsǎochéng).

For more information, please visit

Monday, July 20, 2015

Baita (White Pagoda) Park

First established in 1908, Baita Park in Zhonghua Street is comprised of four tourist zones: for historic relics, a children's park, and zones for flower and animal appreciation respectively. The park’s name comes from a pagoda called Baita which stands there. The White Pagoda (Baita) standing in the park was built in the Liao Dynasty (916-1125) and is one of the six highest pagodas in China.
Baita Pagoda is the tallest, at 70.4 metres, ancient pagoda in the Northeast of China. It dates to 1189 in the Liao Dynasty with additions during Yuan and Ming, making this one of the 6 oldest pagoda towers in China. This pagoda tower was, on January 13, 1988, approved by the State Council, as a national-level heritage conservation unit.
Baita park, which surrounds the pagoda, is a pleasant city park. Entrance is free and its location just 500 metres from the train station makes it a convenient place for a walk. The pagoda stands roughly in the centre of the park. It is surrounded by four turtle statues. The pagoda itself is made of solid brick and so cannot be climbed. It has eight sides, with a statue of the Buddha on each. Towards the back of the park is the Thousand Buddha Temple. This temple is free to enter and contains many statues of Bodhisattvas as well as a thousand small statues of Buddha. Beside the park is the Guangyou temple though this requires an entrance ticket
For more information, please visit

Yongling Mausoleum

The Qing Dynasty had 12 emperors, of whom 10 ruled from Beijing. All the emperors had their own massive tombs built in Zunhua and Yixian of Hebei Province, except for the last emperor, Puyi. As the two mausoleum areas are located east and west of Beijing, they are called “East Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty” and “West Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty.” 
Before the Qing made Beijing its capital, three mausoleums were built, namely, the Yongling Mausoleum for ancestors of the Qing imperial family, the Fuling Mausoleum for Nurhachi, and the Zhaoling Mausoleum for Huangtaiji, collectively known as “Three Imperial Mausoleums of Early Qing Dynasty” or the “Three Mausoleums North of the Great Wall.” The three mausoleums have all been listed as world heritage sites by the 28th World Heritage Commission on July 1, 2004. 
The Yongling Mausoleum is located in the town of Yongling, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning Province. Buried in the mausoleum are the remote ancestor, great grandfather, grandfather, father, uncles, and the wives of Nurhachi, Emperor Taizu of the Qing Dynasty. 
The mausoleum, which is surrounded by walls, consists of the front yard, Square City and Treasure City. At the center of the front yard is a red gate facing four pavilions lined up in a row. In the pavilions are the memorial steles, which record the life stories of the four ancestors. North of the pavilions is the Square City with the main hall, the Qiyun Hall, inside. The hall has single eaves, yellow glass tiles, four gates and eight windows.There are four larger enclosed heated spaces with beds and four smaller enclosed heated spaces within the palace. Two divine tablets are located in each of the enclosed spaces, with eight seats and four sacrifice tables in front. In the east and west wings of Qiyun Hall are side halls; in front of the west side hall is a stove for burning silk.Located behind Qiyun Palace is Treasure City with mausoleums in the east and west. The Yongling Mausoleum has no underground hall.
For more information, please visit

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hetuala City

Hetuala is Manchu language for Henggang, meaning flat headed hummock. Hetuala City is located in Yongling Town of Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County in Liaoning Province. It was the very first capital city of the Late Jin Dynasty as well as the last mountain city in Chinese history, moreover, it is the best-preserved Manchu city until now. Hetuala, the center of politics, economy, military, culture and diplomacy of Late Jin, was famed as the birthplace of Qing Dynasty and the cradle of the thrift of Manchuria. It has great value in the study of history, art, society and culture.
Constructed in 1603, Hetuala City is an ancient city of 400 years. In 1616, the first day of the 44th ruling year of Ming dynasty according to Chinese lunar calendar, Nurhaci ascent the throne and established Late Jin Dynasty. The 8th year of Tiancong, it was addressed by Hungtaiji, a later emperor, as the favor of God. This city becomes well-known not only because it is the birthplace of Nurhaci, the forefather of Qing dynasty, but because it used to be the capital of the number one powerful empire.
Hetuala City is divided into an inner city and an outside city. In the north of the inner city situates the heart of the whole city—Han Gong Da Ya Men, the certain place for Nurhaci to ascend the throne in 1616. The layout of the room is full of the royal atmosphere. There are two ponds sit on both sides of the palace named the eyes of the dragon.
The middle of the inner city is basin-liked and the only drinking water well named Hanwang Well is here. In the southwest of the city locates Pujue Temple, also known as Guandi Temple. It has vivid sculptures and paintings inside the temple. Every April 18th of Chinese lunar calendar when the temple fair is held, people from different cities come here to pray and play. 

Royal Temples
Head north out of the city, you'll see the solemn and grand royal temples—Dizang Temple and Xianyou Palace. Dizang Temple is the earliest temple built by Manchu people, it was and is the resort of Buddhism, and you can always smell the fragrance of incense and hear the sound of bells. Xianyou Palace was the place for Nurhaci to pray when he got into a war or important events happened. There is a 400 years old elm in the place which is still full of energy.
Hetuala City is neighbored by Shenyang, Tieling, Jilin, Dandong, Benxi and etc which make it very convenient to travel around. The scenic spot has beautiful landscape and has everything you need when travel. Plus, you can enjoy Manchu style song and dance performance whenever you come. There’s a Manchu Folk-Custom Garden which holds religion activities, and a custom museum showing people’s life style in the past. 
-You could take coach at North or South Railway Station of Shenyang, go along Shenfu Highway and line 202 to get to scenic area directly. 
- Give yourself at least two or three hours. 
-It has a lot of special local product like ginseng, pilose antler and mushroom. 
-You can taste Manchu specialty "Ba Die Ba Wan"( eight dishes and eight bowls of food). 
For more information, please visit

Fenghuang (Phoenix) Mountain

Fenghuang Mountain is a mountain located in Fengcheng, Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Its highest peak is called Jianyan with a height of 836 meters above sea level. Fenhuang Mountain is one of Liaoning Provinces's four famous mountains, the other three being Qianshan, Yiwulü Mountain and Yao Mountain. It features different fascinating sceneries in different seasons. Temples, stone inscriptions and many other humanistic relics surrounded by emerald mountains make up an exquisite piece of landscape painting. 

As early as the Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty, Fenghuang Mountain along with Yiwu Lu Mountain, Qian Mountain and Yao Mountain were regarded as the four famed mountains in Liaoning Province. It was called “the most famed mountain in east Liaoning” in ancient times, and is reputed as “a famed mountain that can be regarded as the window of the nation”, “the most famed mountain of the Great Wall” as well as “the most famed mountain for adventure in China.” In January 1994, it was approved as a key state-level tourist spot by the State Council.
Fenghuang Mountain was once named “Wugu Mountain”, “Heng Mountain”, “Wu Mountain” and “Xiong Mountain”. Then in the Zhenguan Period of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of Tang - Li Shimin conferred the name “Fenghuang Mountain” on it. Fenghuang Mountain is part of Changbai Mountain. The highest peak – Zanyun Peak – is at an elevation of 836.4 meters. It is renowned all around north Liaoning province for its majestic and steep cliffs, deep and remote caves, bizarre plants as well as its picturesque scenery in all four seasons.
Fenghuang Mountain is separated into four scenic areas, namely, West Mountain, East Mountain, Temple Valley and Ancient City. The main one is Xi Mountain Scenic Area, where Zanyun Peak rises amidst breathtaking scenery such as “Back of the Ox” and “Wonder in the world.” Remote caves, such as “Fenghuang Cave” and “Tongxuan Cave” also dot the area along with amazing landscapes like “Sea of Clouds” and “Flowing Stream and Pouring Fall.” 
The East Mountain Scenic Area is a fantastic place to be close to the nature. At present, there are artificial landscapes including tourist steps, sightseeing pavilions, sightseeing bridges and a lake. The Ancient City consists of Wugu City of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Xiongshan City of the Sui and Tang Dynasties along with Sanyang City of the Liao Dynasty. The existing structures are mainly palaces and temples, among which Ziyang Temple, Doumu Palace, Kwan-yin Pavilion, Bixia Palace and Yaowang Temple are the most famous. The Ancient City is a state-level key cultural relic conservation unit.
The traditional Yaowang Temple Fair is held on the 28th day of the 4th lunar month every year. It lasts for four days and the temple area will be full of people.
For more information, please visit

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dalu (Big Deer Island)

Dalu (Big Deer) Island lies in Dagushan Town of Donggang City. It is a vital fortress and port on the sea, and a beautiful island for tourists. The Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) broke out on the sea around the island, left tourists endless meditation for the past. This island is also rich in sea product and boasts natural bathing beaches. While having a pleasant time in the soft beach, visitors can also please their palate. 

The island has beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate, with seaside resorts, and a wide variety of seafood, such as shrimp, crabs, conch, short-necked clams, other clams, and all sorts of fish, a veritable delight for gourmets.

It is also investing heavily in construction work and tourism infrastructure and is becoming a popular choice for tourists, especially for its natural landscape, including Erlang Rock, the Gaba jujube tree, Dishui Lake, Tiger Cave, Camel Peak, Deng Shichang's tomb, the Mao Wenlong stele, Sea Goddess Temple, the British-style lighthouse, and the Danish church ruins.
Moon Bay and Twin-pearl Beach to the front of the island have the biggest natural outdoor bathing spot in the North Sea and are an ideal place for tourists to pick up seashells, go fishing, surf, watch the sunrise, or just listen to the waves.
There are free buses from the ferry wharf over the mountain to the island's main beach, although they are driven by maniacs. Once at the beach, tourists can rent bicycles and golf carts to drive around the waterfront, although the whole area is very walkable. Locals seem to prefer death by motorcycle. Take a bike ride or walk around the island, find and eat shellfish off the rocks and in the sand during the right season, fish, swim in summer.
Tips: The easiest way to get there by public transport is by taking a bus from Dandong's long distance bus station (located opposite Dandong Railway Station). A two-hour bus to Gushan will cost 17.50 Yuan (May 2013) and travelers to Dalu Island should get off a stop earlier at Huangtukan where a local can take drive you the next few kilometres to the new ferry terminal. A group of four of us were charged 10 Yuan per person, which may be negotiable. Ferries in the off season run irregularly, there is one at 4pm in the afternoon which may be the only and last one. A ticket costs 60 Yuan, but speedboats also go to and from the island charging up to 90 Yuan. The ferry takes less than 30 minutes.
For more information, please visit