Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hetuala City

Hetuala is Manchu language for Henggang, meaning flat headed hummock. Hetuala City is located in Yongling Town of Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County in Liaoning Province. It was the very first capital city of the Late Jin Dynasty as well as the last mountain city in Chinese history, moreover, it is the best-preserved Manchu city until now. Hetuala, the center of politics, economy, military, culture and diplomacy of Late Jin, was famed as the birthplace of Qing Dynasty and the cradle of the thrift of Manchuria. It has great value in the study of history, art, society and culture.
Constructed in 1603, Hetuala City is an ancient city of 400 years. In 1616, the first day of the 44th ruling year of Ming dynasty according to Chinese lunar calendar, Nurhaci ascent the throne and established Late Jin Dynasty. The 8th year of Tiancong, it was addressed by Hungtaiji, a later emperor, as the favor of God. This city becomes well-known not only because it is the birthplace of Nurhaci, the forefather of Qing dynasty, but because it used to be the capital of the number one powerful empire.
Hetuala City is divided into an inner city and an outside city. In the north of the inner city situates the heart of the whole city—Han Gong Da Ya Men, the certain place for Nurhaci to ascend the throne in 1616. The layout of the room is full of the royal atmosphere. There are two ponds sit on both sides of the palace named the eyes of the dragon.
The middle of the inner city is basin-liked and the only drinking water well named Hanwang Well is here. In the southwest of the city locates Pujue Temple, also known as Guandi Temple. It has vivid sculptures and paintings inside the temple. Every April 18th of Chinese lunar calendar when the temple fair is held, people from different cities come here to pray and play. 

Royal Temples
Head north out of the city, you'll see the solemn and grand royal temples—Dizang Temple and Xianyou Palace. Dizang Temple is the earliest temple built by Manchu people, it was and is the resort of Buddhism, and you can always smell the fragrance of incense and hear the sound of bells. Xianyou Palace was the place for Nurhaci to pray when he got into a war or important events happened. There is a 400 years old elm in the place which is still full of energy.
Hetuala City is neighbored by Shenyang, Tieling, Jilin, Dandong, Benxi and etc which make it very convenient to travel around. The scenic spot has beautiful landscape and has everything you need when travel. Plus, you can enjoy Manchu style song and dance performance whenever you come. There’s a Manchu Folk-Custom Garden which holds religion activities, and a custom museum showing people’s life style in the past. 
-You could take coach at North or South Railway Station of Shenyang, go along Shenfu Highway and line 202 to get to scenic area directly. 
- Give yourself at least two or three hours. 
-It has a lot of special local product like ginseng, pilose antler and mushroom. 
-You can taste Manchu specialty "Ba Die Ba Wan"( eight dishes and eight bowls of food). 
For more information, please visit

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