Monday, July 20, 2015

Yongling Mausoleum

The Qing Dynasty had 12 emperors, of whom 10 ruled from Beijing. All the emperors had their own massive tombs built in Zunhua and Yixian of Hebei Province, except for the last emperor, Puyi. As the two mausoleum areas are located east and west of Beijing, they are called “East Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty” and “West Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty.” 
Before the Qing made Beijing its capital, three mausoleums were built, namely, the Yongling Mausoleum for ancestors of the Qing imperial family, the Fuling Mausoleum for Nurhachi, and the Zhaoling Mausoleum for Huangtaiji, collectively known as “Three Imperial Mausoleums of Early Qing Dynasty” or the “Three Mausoleums North of the Great Wall.” The three mausoleums have all been listed as world heritage sites by the 28th World Heritage Commission on July 1, 2004. 
The Yongling Mausoleum is located in the town of Yongling, Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County, Liaoning Province. Buried in the mausoleum are the remote ancestor, great grandfather, grandfather, father, uncles, and the wives of Nurhachi, Emperor Taizu of the Qing Dynasty. 
The mausoleum, which is surrounded by walls, consists of the front yard, Square City and Treasure City. At the center of the front yard is a red gate facing four pavilions lined up in a row. In the pavilions are the memorial steles, which record the life stories of the four ancestors. North of the pavilions is the Square City with the main hall, the Qiyun Hall, inside. The hall has single eaves, yellow glass tiles, four gates and eight windows.There are four larger enclosed heated spaces with beds and four smaller enclosed heated spaces within the palace. Two divine tablets are located in each of the enclosed spaces, with eight seats and four sacrifice tables in front. In the east and west wings of Qiyun Hall are side halls; in front of the west side hall is a stove for burning silk.Located behind Qiyun Palace is Treasure City with mausoleums in the east and west. The Yongling Mausoleum has no underground hall.
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