Thursday, July 23, 2015

Liaoyang Travel Guide

Chinese Name: 辽阳市 (liáo yáng shì)
Population: 1,810,000 
Area: 4,741 square kilometers (1,831 square miles) 
Nationalities: Han 
Administrative Divisions: Five districts (Baita, Wensheng, Hongwei, Gongchangling, Taizihe); one county (Liaoyang); one county-level city (Dengta) 
Seat of the City Government: 38, Minzhu Lu, Baita District
Useful Telephone Numbers: Tourist Complaints: 0419-2127132
Weather Forecast: 121
Zip Code Inquiry: 184

Location: Situated in the centre of Liaoning Province, Liaoyang city is bordered by the 'steel capital', Anshan, in the south and 'the city of coal and iron', Benxi, in the east. Shenyang, the capital city of the province, is just 60 kilometers (37 miles) away in the north. 

History: Liaoyang is the oldest city of Liaoning Province, with an administrative history of more than two thousand years. It was first known as Xiangping, and had been a leading city in eastern Liaoning during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24AD). The name, Liaoyang, initially appeared in the late Tang Dynasty (618-907).         

Physical Features: Located between the low mountainous region of eastern Liaoning and the Liaohe Plain, the city slopes downward from the southeast to the northwest. Low mountains and hills are distributed mainly in the east of the city.

Climate: Most of the city is situated in the temperate monsoon climatic zone, with its western region enjoying a warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate. With a coastal influence, Liaoyang has four distinct seasons, and comparatively humid and moderate weather. Spring is warm and dry, and summer is torrid and rainy. After the cool and humid autumn, comes the long and chilly winter. 

When to Go: spring and autumn

Special Local Products: Nanguo Pear, Xiangshui Pear, hawthorn, Chinese gooseberry, wild grape


White Pagoda Park (白塔公园; Báitǎgōngyuán), 60 Zhonghua Road (中华大街一段60号; Zhōnghuádàjiēyīduàn) (From the train station take bus 7), ☎ +86 419 2126429. This is the tallest, at 70.4 metres, ancient pagoda in the Northeast of China. It dates to the Liao Dynasty and is one of the 6 oldest pagoda towers in China. The park was constructed around the pagoda in 1908. Free.

Guangyou Temple Scenic Area (广佑寺风景区; Guǎngyòusìfēngjǐngqū). Constructed during the Eastern Han Dynasty, this is one of the oldest Buddhist sites in China. In the year 1161, the site received favour of the Emperor and was expanded. In the early 1900's, the army of the old Tsarist Russia burned the site. It has since been restored. This temple complex covers some 60,000 square metres. Within lies a large statue of Sakyamuni Buddha made of camphor wood and gilded with gold. It is the largest, by volume, statue of Sakyamuni Buddha in camphor wood in the world and stands some 21.48 meters high. Free.

Longfeng Mountain Scenic Spot and Temple (龙峰寺风景区; Lóngfēngsìfēngjǐngqū), Xiadahe Town (About about 35 kilometers form Liaoyang City centre). Longfeng temple dates to the time of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Zhenguan, over 1,300 years ago. It was renovated during the Ming and Qing dynasties. According to inscriptions in the temple, Tang Emperor Taizong visited the site as did the Emperor Qianlong of Qing in the 44th year of his rule. The temple was damaged during the Cultural Revolution of the 20th century. It has since been restored. 

Liaoyang City Museum (辽阳市博物馆; Liáoyángshì Bówùguǎn), 2 Zongxin Road, Wensheng District (文圣区中心路2号; Wénshèngqū Zhōngxīnlù) (Form the train station take bus 23 or 16), ☎ +86 419 3232297, +86 1330 4198145. This museum opend in 1985 and in 2002 was graded as a AA class site by the Provincial Tourism Bureau. The museum covers 31,450 square meters over five galleries and contains 4,000 items form the neolithic through to Ming and Qing dynasties. This site is closed for renovation until at least October 2008. The new Lioayang City Museum is located adjacent to the old museum and was opened in 2009. 

Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall (曹雪芹纪念馆; Cáoxuěqín Jìniànguǎn), 2 Woshi Hutong (卧狮胡同2号; Wòshīhútòng) (Take bus 20. It is just 100 metres from the Wang Erlie Memorial Hall), ☎ +86 419 2138074. "The Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the four most famous novels of China. It was written by Cao Xueqin. Over the years, there has been much debate as to where Cao Xueqin was born. Liaoyang has been put forward as the likely location. In 1995, a Memorial to Cao Xueqin was opened in Liaoyang. Free.

Wang Erlie Memorial Hall (王尔烈纪念馆; Wángěrlièjìniànguǎn), Baita District (Take bus 20. It is just 100 metres from the Cao Xue Memorial Hall). Wang Erlie was a court official born in Liaoyang during the rein of the Emperor Qianlong. He achieved excelent scores in his Imperial exams and subsequently had a career that saw him become one of the richest and most powerful people in China. The museum tells the story of his life and has some English language translations. Free.

Dongjing City (东京城; Dōngjīngchéng), Taizihe District (太子河区; Tàizǐhéqū). Liaoyang became the capital city of the Manchurian Late Jin Empire in 1621. An imperial palace was built here called Dongjing or "East Capital" and covers and area of 0.75 square kilometres. A few walls and gates remain of the old palace.

Dongjing Mausoleum (东京陵; Dōngjīnglíng), Taizihe District (太子河区; Tàizǐhéqū). Build by the first Manchurian Emperor, Nurhachu, in 1624, to house the remains of his grandfather, wife, brother, son and others. In total ten people of Nurhachu's family were placed here. edit

Guanyin Temple (观音寺; Guānyīnsì). 

Qingfeng Temple (清风寺; Qīngfēngsì). 

Yanzhou Town (燕州城; Yānzhōuchéng). 

Li Zhaolin House (李兆麟故居; Lǐzhàolíngùjū). 

Liaoyang Forest of Steles (辽阳碑林; Liáoyángbēilín). 

Gusao Town (姑嫂城; Gūsǎochéng).

For more information, please visit

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