Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lushun Port (Port Arthur)

Port Lushun is located at the south end of Liaodong Peninsula, facing the Huanghai Sea to the east and the Bohai Sea to the west, about 24 kilometer south to Dalian downtown. It is a well-known tourist attraction because of the close relationship with Chinese and Asian history.
In Tang Dynasty (618- 907), it was called Shizikou (Lion’s Mouth) because the geographic importance on the road connecting the whole nation. The name was changed into “Lushun” during Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), representing a wish for "smooth trip". Due to its strategic military importance, Qing government built naval port, battery and dock, and set up Northern Navy to guard it. Known as Port Arthur in western world, it was devastated by wars, among which the Sino-Japanese War and the Japanese-Russian War are the most significant two. Both Russia and Japan built lots of military sites in Lushun, making it known as an "open air museum of historical and cultural scenery."
Main Scenic Spots
Rich in natural resources as well as its historical heritage, Lushun has become a National Key Scenic Spot, National Nature Protection Area, and National Forest Park by virtue of its now famous attractions. These fall into two categories namely, the natural scenery and historical sites relating to the Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895.

The Garden of Lions and Tigers

Covering an area of more than 300,000 square meters, it has three separate sections: the garden of tigers, of lions and of bears. The animals roam freely in their respective surroundings so that visitors, from the safety of their cars, can get quite close to them and enjoy a harmonious and breath-taking experience.

The Island of Snakes
This is a small island covering less than 2 square kilometers (0.77 square mile), off the northwest coast of Lushun, and is the home to over 1, 5000 snakes. Exotic rocks, luxuriant forests and plants provide their natural environment, where they prey on migratory birds for food. In Lushun, there is a snake museum which in addition to exhibits is home to relevant research. This is the prime Snake Eco-museum in Asia, and its hundreds of viper specimens ensure plenty of excitement for visitors. Also, the Snake-Island Natural History Museum is also well worth seeing.
The Bird Station

Opposite the Island of Snakes stands a volcano called 'Laotie Hill', which is a stopping off spot for millions of migratory birds that come there each spring and autumn. It is possible to see more than 200 species of birds preparing for flight to and from warm lands in the south depending upon the time of year. On the sea ward side of the hill there are steep towering crags. Stepping on the Century-Year Beacon, you can look over the boundary between the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, where the water is half yellow and half blue. Near the hill, there are important Neolithic sites.

Russo-Japanese War Site on East Crest Hill
East Crest Hill (Jiguan Hill) was a battlefield during Russo-Japanese War in 1904. It was here that the Russian army established a strong fortress after Lushun became a territory leased to Russia 1898. As the main feature on the hill, it houses the Cultural Relic Protection Unit as well as being the patriotism education base in Dalian. A museum was built in 1997 to display historical materials of the war.

Lushun Museum
Originally built in 1917, the world-class museum covers an area of 25,000 square meters (29,900 square yards) and is of a stately, elegant European style. Over 100,000 cultural relics are displayed in two themes: historical cultural relics and local cultural relics. Among them, there are bronzes, ancient coins, paintings and calligraphies, mummies, and some foreign relics.
White Jade Hill

A 130-meter-high (427-foot-high) hill standing in the center of Lushun Region is the central scenic spot. The name 'white jade' was given by Li Hongzhang, an influential official of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Ascending the hill and knowing the opposite one was called Gold Hill, he said gold should be associated with white jade. Thus the name it was changed to the present one. Using forced Chinese labor, the Japanese raised a tower on the crest of the hill to commemorate Japanese soldiers who died in the war. The tower has a height of 66.8 meters (219 feet) has become the evidence of their historical crime. The Park of White Jade Hill includes the Naval Weapon Museum, Bird Garden and Rock Museum.

World Peace Park
This seashore park was completed in 2002 with a theme of psalms by world heads of states. In 1998, they each wrote a poem in their mother tongue praying for world peace. These people included the past Chinese President Jiang Zemin and American President Clinton. The bronze statues of 96 heads of state and their poems are carved as the major feature. There are also artworks and fine stamps with the theme of peace presented by world countries.

Cemetery of Soviet Martyrs
With an area of 48,000 square meters (57,409.4 square yards), the cemetery ranks as the largest for a foreign nation in China. Here lie buried Soviet martyrs who fell during the war of Liberation of Northeast of China and the War against US Aggression in support of Korea, as well as those died in the Lushun garrison in 1945-1955. The cemetery is in the Soviet style of construction.
Memorial of Myriad Loyalists

This memorial was set up to commemorate the Chinese people who died in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. Upon their invasion of Lushun and for four whole days Japanese forces slaughtered nearly 20,000 unarmed common people of the city! Only 36 persons remained alive. To hide all evidence of their guilt, the Japanese ordered local peasants to collect the bodies for cremation. The ashes of the victims were buried at the eastern foot of White Jade Hill. In 1896, after the Japanese retreat, corps of the Qing Dynasty built the Stele of Myriad Loyalists. It is listed as one of the National Patriotism Education Demonstration Bases.

For more information, please visit

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