Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Benxi Water Cave

Located in the Taizi river bank which is 26 kilometers away from the eastern suburb of Benxi city, Liaoning Province, Benxi Water Cave is a huge cave system located at the Taizi River. It is a part of the Benxi Water Cave National Park. It is the longest underground river in the world that can be visited by boat, which has ever been discovered in the world. As Benxi Cave is a river cave, most of the cave visit is done by boat. At the cave entrance is an underground wharf where the visitors enter the boats. The pier is rather big and up to 40 boats are berthed here. 
Benxi Water Cave dates back nearly five million years, and is recognized as one of the treasures of Northern China. The cave covers an area of 36,000 square kilometers (9 acres) and stretches inward 2,800 meters (3063 yards). Entering the semi-lunar mouth of the cave, one finds the 'guest-greeting hall' which is said to have been inhabited by human settlers three thousand years ago. The waterways and the pavilions outside complement the cave perfectly, making this both a scenic and a historic destination. Water Cave lies 35 kilometers (22 miles) east of downtown, on the side of the Taizi River. 
It is divided into two caves, a water one and a dry one. The entrance to the cave is face to the North and back on to the South. It is 16 meters high and 25 meters wide, to be a half-moon shape. It is the biggest entrance to the cave in the whole country. There are four hand-written words “Benxi Water Cave” which written by Bo Yibo on the top. The Water Cave is 5800 meters long, 2800 meters of which has been developed. The total area is 36,000 square meters and the total space is 400,000 cubic meters. 
The widest point of this water cave is 38 meter high and 50 meters wide, with the fresh floating air and the never exhausted clear river inside the cave. Day and night flow is 14,000 tons, with average water depth is 1.5 meters, deepest point is 7 meters, the constant temperature inside is 12 ℃. You can visit it all the year round. On the top and two sides of the river are various shapes of stalactites. Along the river are more than 100 scenic spots , It is called the silver river with nine twists because of divided into “Three Gorges”, ”Seven Palaces" and ” Nine Twists”. It is as a fairyland when you visit it by boat.
For more information, please visit

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